Friday, March 20, 2015

Mary, Queen of Heaven, collage


Mary Queen of Heaven

photoshop image for collage on canvas
This is the image that I am working on now.  Here you see the digital work that has been done.  I have segmented this image into collage pieces to apply to a canvas.  I printed out the pieces and cut the images into collagable segments.  A background has been painted on canvas.  It looks beautiful,  cobalt blue and pthalo tint blue acrylic painted with loose and free brush strokes forming glowing rays onto the canvas. Now I am ready to glue the digital collage elements onto the canvas.
I am working on the canvas (24"hX16"w) and hope to get it photographed and posted here soon.  The photograph may not happen soon, because it is spring and I am enjoying working in my garden.
This canvas continues the POP Religion series with a Mary is My Muse theme.  It is similar to the previous work called,  Mary, Queen of All. Which is in the collection of Donna Duffy, owner of Tripolo Gallery in Covington, LA.   Both paintings are based on a common and easily recognizable, traditional Christian Mary picture. 
In the heart area, shown in the detail, is a picture of Baby God Crying.  Well,  I think that we all have a squalling infant bundled in a small corner of our hearts.  I am not sure about you, but I do at times experience infantile rage aching.  My inner baby still screams from time to time, frustrated when she does not get her way. 
Some of the input into the production of POP Religion, comes from introspection.  Other input is traditional global religious myths.  But, I am confused, still confused, trying to sort it all out.   Actually, I am reconciled with being confused.  Long ago, I decided that "not knowing" could be reframed as "appreciation of deep mystery".
Another theme that my work expresses is humor about the human condition.  A condition so baffling and irrational the you gotta laugh.
When doing a collage, I try to put it all together, I use many images from my personal digital library created over a period of several years.  Included here are  Jagger Devil (a funny image), Belushi Bacchus, Marilyn Aphrodite, Ganesh, Beatles, and my high school graduation picture which I have Warholed.  There are about 30 images arranged to fit into the traditional Mary picture.

Gotta go now, my garden is calling.  Thanks for looking.


Friday, February 6, 2015

John Wayne Moses


John Wayne Moses, Code of the Cowboy

digital painting, 195.4m

In ancient times, Moses handed down the "Ten Commandments".  On May 26, 1907, Moses reincarnated as the movie actor, John Wayne.  As John Wayne, the deity delivered the "Code of the Cowboy".  Mucho macho patriarchy.


Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Face Now

Recent digital painting, 24M

Monday, October 6, 2014

Brangelina Mere Mortals

Brangelina Mere Mortals

We will all die,
sooner or later.
So seize the day.


POP Religion

pop art
pop up gallery
pop up toaster
pop tart
pop tart
pop, pop, fizz, fizz

pop gun
pop, pop, bang, bang
pop goes the weasel
pop U lar
pop U lated

pop up book
pop ideology
pop dogma

pop sin


pop on ice
pop rocks
pop rx
pop corn
pop fever

pop riffing

  Brought to you by the  More Guts Than Brains Coalition.



Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Tripolo Gallery, POP Religion Show

Tripolo Gallery

POP Religion Art Show

Save the date:   Opening, this Saturday, August 9,  6pm-9pm.  Paintings will be on view for several weeks.
323 North Columbia Street, Covington, LA, 70433.
 Phone 985-789-4073.

I am so pleased that the wonderful and gracious Donna Duffy is showing my paintings from the "POP Religion Series" in her beautiful Tripolo Gallery. I hope that you will take this opportunity to see my work looking good in this gorgeous setting. The gallery is in the charming old town section of Covington  with coffee house, restaurants, fine shopping and lots of art nearby.

The list of paintings to be shown is still in the decision making process. We will surely hang, "Jagger Devil", as it is an exciting attention grabber.  I know that you want to see it as a painting, looking so much more vibrant than its appearance on your computer.  "Marilyn Aphrodite" will be flirting off the wall.  "Belushi Bacchus"  will be leering his crocked smile.  "Baby God Crying", will be screaming his head off.

 Also, I want to show a few works from the "Radiance Series", just recently painted.  I have been trying to put into words what this series is "about".  An artist verbalizing what images are "about" is treading a slippery slope, that might be better avoided, however, people ask, and it seems that words must be produced.  I wish that the images would visually communicate, almost psychically transport, from my mind to your mind, but not everyone is fluent in the language of images.  Words help to bridge the gap.

  The "Radiance Series", are pictures of women's faces, but they are not portraits, they are studies of psychological or spiritual states or moods.  I think that three of the paintings tell a story of emotional growth.  "Pensive", shows a deep contemplative state.  "Dragonfly Woman", is awakening to expanded consciousness. And "Endurance Fluid",  is experiencing the consciousness state of nirvana.  So, these three will make a nice exhibit trio.

I am not re-posting these pictures, you can just scroll back to the two most previous entries to see them.

I hope to see you at the opening, but if you cant make that, the paintings will be hanging for a few weeks and you can pop in to take a look.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Radiance, art series


Janet Boyd Art

a series of fine art paintings
completed in the last six month

Endurance Gold

24"x16", acrylic on board, 2014

Glowing.  Grateful.  Spirit nourished.


24"x16",  acrylic on board, 2014

Thoughtful.  Introspective.  Seeing.  Understanding.  Deep.  Glowing.


 Endurance Infinity

24"x16", acrylic on board, 2014

Transcendence.  She is merged with all that is.

Endurance Fluid

24"x16", acrylic on board, 2014

Zen flowing.  Illuminated.


24"x16", acrylic on board, 2014

Who gets more media?  Who is bigger?  Elizabeth I, Queen of England, or Barbie?

 Dragonfly Woman

24"x16", acrylic on board, 2014

Awakening from a drowsy, dragonfly, wisteria dream.

Cardinal Woman

24"x16", acrylic on board, 2014


Beneath our surface appearances we carry the seeds of mortal decay.  Depressing thought, yet the knowledge of death imparts intensity to life.  Knowing that life will not last forever makes each day precious.  Carpe Diem. Seize the day!


William Wordsworth

Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting:
The Soul that rises with us, our life's Star,
Hath had elsewhere its setting,
And cometh from afar:
Not in entire forgetfulness,
And not in utter nakedness,
But trailing clouds of glory do we come
From God, who is our home:
Heaven lies about us in our infancy!
Shades of the prison-house begin to close
Upon the growing Boy,
But He beholds the light, and whence it flows,
He sees it in his joy; (lines 58–70)