Driftwood, Earth Energies, Painted
Driftwood, Big Blue Wave
28"x 14", 2019
Drift Wave, Swoosh, close up
Driftwood, Big Blue Wave
Table made by Dave Morgan
Driftwood in Gold And Copper
close up
very close up

Driftwood, Red Rocket
30"long, 2019
close up of front tail
close up of back tail
Found rusty vintage stand for Red Rocket
Red Rocket, Aerodynamic in Space
Driftwood, Earth Energies
We live on a small knoll higher than the swampy jungle woods easing lower to the creek. I am not the only person around here who collects piles of beautiful driftwood while ambling in the woods. Most of the neighbors have their own collections.
The driftwood has history. True good driftwood is very hard and heavy. Cyprus, cedar and other hard, weathered wood.
What is fascinating about these objects is the shape, especially the lines. The wood started as a seed. The seed grew, it pushed, moved slowly with earth energies, and lived a long life and then died. Then the wood was sculpted by moving water, for sometimes more that 100 years. It maybe quiet ancient. It drifted in the stream of water which carved away the softer outer wood and left a firm core, a heart, of graceful shapes with flowing lines.
The shape and lines are a history of the growth, death and drifting of the wood. This growth and shaping records earth energies.
Driftwood, Red Rocket
I have had the wood which i painted and named Red Rocket for a couple of decades. I admired the dynamic shape many times. It looks aerodynamic, which links air lines with plant and water lines. Universal energy lines. There maybe a few inches of straight parallel lines, but most are curvilinear lines. Very rare rectangles or squares. Man builds with 90 degree angles, nature is usually gently curved.
The graceful lines record the energy of growth and the energy/movement of water.
Like I said, I had this one particular piece of driftwood for decades. It sat on the table of the screen porch, where i could admire it frequently. I thought to paint it. But I loved it as it was. Internal debate, finally i knew that i wanted to dramatize, to emphasize what I saw in the wood. I wanted to be a part of the history of the object. So I painted it with flat dark purple in the indentions and bright, metallic paint along the prominent lines. I am a good girl, it is gorgeous.
Big Blue Wave
I found this large, heavy (40 lbs.?) piece in Georgia, near a lake. It had been collected by a friend, who generously gave it to me. I saw white capped waves. Moving water, water energy. So i painted it saturated blue with iridescent pearl hi-lighting the main energy lines.
Driftwood, Gold and Copper
This lens shaped driftwood is beautifully carved by water with semi symmetrical lines. The indentions are painted with matte burnt umber. Gold and copper metallic paint hi-lights the dramatic flow lines.
E mail me if you want to see or buy some of my art.
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