Saturday, August 20, 2011

Aurora Ballet

Well, I havnt been here for a while. Ive been painting on canvas and dont have much digital work to post.
This is a recent photo shop work. I started with a low rez ballet dancer image, gleaned from orphan Bing images. I used the image as inspiration and as a sketch or first draft. I repainted the image digitally, set my colors, changed the figure's proportions, and added minor distortion. I enjoyed many hours of pleasant work. Background is a classic Japanese landscape. There is an airy ethereal tone to the dancer. Dance is an art just as painting is an art. The picture illustrates the artist transcending mundane reality by practicing art.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Antoinette Carter

I started with a classical painting of Marie Antionette and several pictures of Helena Bonheim Carter's face. Then, more hours of jolly good digital fun than I care to count. Voila! An image that has never been seen before.

Tyra Tiger

I downloaded a px of Tyra from net images. I had a few hours of jolly good fun, playing with her face in Photo Shop. I almost altered the image's resemblance to Tyra beyond recognition. I think that a bit of her essence remains, but that is not the point. The point is to push digital painting to the edge.


A little primal anger. Squalling.

Queen of Hearts

Cate Blanchett inspired face. Another appearance by the Cherubs. A vintage plaster angel.
Hawk and Angel tied the knot, last eon, on a beautiful red brocade day. The Cherubs attended all aflitter with dreams of merry matrimony. Hawk was arrogant and aloof, but that was just a front to mask his gooey caramel center. Angel was serious and sweet. She carried a cornucopia of unnameable longings.

Elvis Hoss

I saw Elvis in the parking lot of WallyWorld last week. He has a whole new look. He is all buff now, because he has been working out at the Heavenly Health Club.