Sunday, May 24, 2020

Babee Hapee, Tiles
digital painting

Dance at Sunset
digital painting, 5/2020

Dance with Flowers
digital painting, 5/2020

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Dance Lyra, Drago

Dance Lyri, Drago
4/21/2020, ink jet print

March 11,2020
finished 4/20/20, ink jet print

Friday, April 17, 2020

Three Graces, An Art Experiment

This is a compilation of my favorite pictures from my exploration of different styles from one picture.  The Three Graces have been in the historical art stream since the sixth century BCE.  I am making a modest contribution, a reiteration, to a stream of art that has been for at least 8,000 years. 

Click here for more px's and info on the Floating World page:   

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Driftwood, Big Blue Wave
28"x14", 2019

Driftwood, Gold and Copper
13"long, 2019

Driftwood, Red Rocket, Portrait
30"long, 2019


For the past few months I have been working on this new series, Driftwood Painted.

To find out more about this series, click here, for the Driftwood page.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Three Graces

digital, 2/2/2020

There have been many renditions of the Three Graces.  The inspiration for  this one is Jean Baptiste Renault, 1793.  The inspiration for Renault's painting was a statue at the  the Libreria Piccolomini in the Duomo at Siena.

Why did i make this?  To make something beautiful.  To work with the anatomy.  Something to do.  A pleasurable activity to do.

This image has been popular since ancient Greece, and even before that time.  I feel a part of a stream of artist who have painted this theme.  A theme of beauty, grace, charm and creativity.  

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Horse Sampler,#1, for Dave, realistic
digital, 1/2020

Horse Sampler,#2, abstracted
digital, 1/2020

Dave asked me to make a picture of a horse.  I puttered around a while before deciding to do it.  I set my creative intention to be realistic, because that is what Dave likes.  After making the realistic horse in Photoshop I wanted to abstract the picture.  So i made up some loose guidelines.  I thought of diamond shapes, I thought about Harlequin patterns.  This was a lot of fun.  

Today, I worked on another pair of pictures, but with female figures instead of horses.  The realistic figures are almost done and i started abstracting them today. I am exercising my style tools, and doing something rather new.  I follow my muse.  I keep the art interesting, changing my guidelines, a bit here and a bit there.  I never get bored photo-shopping and painting.

The next thing that I want to do with the horse, is to blow him up.  I am excited to see how that will look. 

If that is not enough, working on four px's at once, I am also doing another thing even more out of my usual zone.  I have made some painted drift wood sculptures that looks fantastic.  I need to buy a new camera to get quality of photos of the sculptures.  Been doing the research on that.

Saturday, December 14, 2019