An old friend from Los Angeles gave me the complicated web address and pass words to a highly confidential website published by the Congress of Deep Planet Archeology. My friend asked to remain anonymous. When I asked him if I could blog about the material on the web site he hesitated. "Janet, you may blog this, if you feel that you must. But, I must warn you not to expose yourself, there have been murders! It is just too dangerous."
Dear reader, you will soon understand how I was dumbfounded at the bizarre story revealed on the website.
At great risk to myself, I will tell you the implausible facts of the case. It is dangerous to publish this hidden information, but I believe the world should know the truth.
In July of 2008, archeologist exploring a labyrinth of tunnels beneath Los Angeles, discovered a luxurious underground bunker mansion. They found a subterranean structure encompassing 33 opulent rooms with fantastic furnishings.
The mansion had its own electrical system powered by magnetic waves from earths core. The advanced technology was eagarly examined by engineers.
Scientist discovered many mysterious machines. Artifacts inventoried included some of the earliest Harley Davidson motorcycle models. Enigmatic electronic equipment baffled the explorers. Strange machines with unknown configurations of micro technology were studied by a handful of scientists from the electronic and engineering fields. The scientist were skeptical but after careful examination, they had to concluded that these were devices for interstellar communications.
Lying close together in one large, beautiful room, the scientist found 69 unusual skeletons.
Autopsy of the skeletons brought even more unbelievable surprises. The humanoid bones fit into no known anatomical categories. It was whispered that the remains were human/alien hybrids, but none of the scientists wanted to risk their academic credentials by asserting this implausible fact.
The professors only had a few short days to examine the bunker before the ACI (American Control Institute.) heard about the find and sealed the site. The explorers were captured and transported blindfolded to a site more secret than area 54. Most of the archeologist and scientists involved endured painful cranial "treatments" at the hands of the ACI Department of Memory Enhancement. Which is code doublespeak for a team of vicious memory erasure experts.
Gilbert Ford, PhD, eluded the ACI captors. Then, he escaped by sailing with his wife and children to Belize. From a secluded villa he was able to contact other members of the Congress for Deep Planet Archeology, and publish his findings and photographs to the top secret website.
Dr. Ford's extensive research lead him to courageously propose a theory about the case. He believes that circa 1948 the bunker was home to a highly unusual motorcycle gang. The members of this club were human/alien hybrids.
Beings from a distant, as yet undiscovered galaxy crashed their ship in Death Valley about 1922. Unable to return to their home planet they resigned themselves to life on earth. Traveling by night they made their way to Los Angeles. They called themselves Hell's Aliens.
Earth women were recruited into the club where they were treated like Goddess Queens. Just as all earth women should be treated.
Unions between the aliens and human women produced a small race of extremely intelligent and superbly athletic beings. They built their bunker mansion and lived covert lives of creativity and joy.
They were able to mingle in the world, disguised with motorcycle helmets. They founded Harley Davidson, invented and developed motorcycles. Hell's Aliens could ride like the wind.
The ET's saw the stupidity, the confusion of humans. They empathized with the suffering of life on earth. They saw great potential for the human race. They began to instigate reforms. The Hell's Aliens discovered gentle, meditative, mind enhancing techniques. They meditated as a group and sent positive love vibrations to the whole human race. IMAGINE was the name given to the meditation project. These vibrations helped humans improve emotional intelligence, decision making skills, and interpersonal skills.
They were on the brink of wonderful evolutionary changes. They would help humans create paradise on earth. The potential was there, it just needed a little, psychic nudging. AND... more time.
The Hell's Aliens maintained their anonymity for several decades before being discovered by the ACI.
In the few years that operation IMAGINE was performed astonishing changes occurred. Small groups and individual humans benefitted from their interventions and took evolutionary psychological jumps. A lucky few people absorbed the vibrations and began to fulfill the utopian potential that Goddess intends for her humans.
Sadly, the peaceful Hell's Aliens were gassed in their beautiful bunker mansion. The hybrids were stalked by the ACI. Poisoned gas was released, contaminating the dwelling for thirty years. They were killed by ignorance and prejudice. (A typical occurrence on earth.) They were destroyed by human fear.
I was able to download this fantastic portrait of the Hell's Aliens Grand Master before my computer began to crash. The image degraded to a certain extent but I restored it with photoshop.
Dear reader, I understand your difficulty in comprehending this implausible incident. I, too, could not believe what I read. Then a strange peace came over me and all the puzzle pieces fit in place. I knew that this was not just another alien hoax. I knew the full truth.
Please let me know how this effects you and what you think. If you have any information about Hell's Aliens or the subterranean Los Angeles bunker mansion, please share your information.
We need to investigate this occurrence. The future of the human race depends on it.