A cool thing about photoshop is that images can be made and reused with different pictures. I am working on a picture called Gory Jesus. I intended the cherub to be collaged onto the crucifixion canvas. But with photoshop I can pop that cherub in anywhere.
I painted the traditional cherub, but it needed pizazz, so, it got an anime influenced kitten face.
The beach scene is a digital painting that I have worked on sporadically over a period of years. I kept making little changes, aiming to illustrate the glowing mood I feel when at the beach. It looks nice (but cliche) as a simple seascape. I wanted a jazzy picture, so I put the two images together.
Life on earth is a tough gig. Art has made it bearable for me. Been through lotsa effing tragic drama. Making art has kept my spark alive.
There are no engraved in stone rules to art. In fact, art is often made just to break the old rules. Each generation asserts a new paradigm.
I have Art Brain. This is similar to having ADD (that means Attention to a Different Drummer).
Yesterday on TV, I heard a woman say that she likes rules. They help her to feel that she is on the right track. Variety in personalities keeps the light spinning around.
To me, rules are made to be broken. I want to expand, shuck constraints. My spirit longs to sparkle and glow. Throw off the shackle shit. Be surprised with new phenomena in the labyrinth of experience.
Course we gotta have some rules. Like driving. My son say's "Hey, Mom, watch this, trick driving." As he jumps a curb and zooms thru a parking lot to negotiate an illegal left turn. He gets so many tickets, and struggles to keep his drivers liscence. Genetic, flagrant disdain of rules.
In art you can make up the rules as you go along. Art, the land of freedom.
Art keeps my movie fresh. I paint in changing styles. Formulating fresh rules for each series. Fear of boredom. (The gallery says, "You need a distinctive style." But repetition phobia cant be beat.) Need for novelty. Surprise myself. Surprise you. Explore. Yet another different drummer rhythm.
Painted the traditional cherub. Give it a twist. Thought about the cuteness of kittens. Thought about how I drew kittens when I was six years old. Thought about cuteness. CUTE. Is cute OK in art? Avoided cute in the past. Inner rule, no cuteness. Break thru that, do cute. Anime is cute. Study anime style. Make cute.
Worked on the beach scene, sporadically for a couple of years. It is cliche. Cliche happens when a a reoccuring human theme is repeatedly expressed. Finally, my beach glows. Uplifting ions in beach air, from all that agitation of water. Got two digital files. Put them together, for no other reason than I want to use both of them.
Hey! are you out there? Please, leave a comment. Lets have some web interaction.
Peace, Love and Art,
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