Maybe, I am loosing my mind? I am seeing things, are these episodes hallucinations or visions?
(Do you know the difference between a psychotic and a psychic? Answer: The psychic knows who to talk to.)
It happened again, another visitation. This time I was on the back ten acres of our land, across Gold Creek, an area which is almost a wilderness, rarely visited by humans. I had a kukri with me. A kukri is a quality type of machete. I carried it, just in case I ran into a wild hog. I could use it for protection. Heehee. Like, I could stop a 300 pound muscle pack of charging hog. Anyway, I was kind of prepared, and the kukri helps cut through the tangles of vines.
I crossed over Gold creek, wearing my leopard print rubber boots. Made my way through thickets of brambles. Admired the landscape, which is making a wonderful recovery after being cut for timber eleven years ago, before we bought the property. I love seeing the land recover as nature does her beautiful work. There were many deer tracks. I startled a doe and a fawn, and watched them sprint away. They move with dance like grace.
When I got to the sandbar area, I sat down, to take a big refreshing drink of mother nature. Silver Creek is constantly changing. Sandbars appear and disappear. One year a magnolia tree had eroded to fall over the creek. In the spring it was dazzled with big creamy magnolia flowers. The next year, it had been washed away by seasonal floods.
I was sitting there, on the sand. Listening and watching the currents of water. And then...A woman appeared to be walking on the water. Coming toward me. I was not that surprised. I knew that it was just another visitation from the spirit world.
It was easy to recognize Cleopatra, because, she had assumed a Hollywood version of her image. Who knows what she really looked like, back in the day, because there has been so much spin put on her image. She has been idealized and glamorized by painters and sculptors and movie makers, since her ancient Egyptian rein. She never goes out of style.
Her manner was gracious, and, I knew that I would follow her regal request. She commanded that I paint a picture of her, illustrating her two most famous incarnations. Paint her as Cleopatra and Oprah, the Queen of television, all in the same body. "The people need to see this. I want them to know that I have been working for the betterment of humanity, through all my incarnations, for as long as humans have been on earth. It will give them hope. And Isis knows, they need hope, in times like these."
"And, please, dear Janet," she continued, "tell them that all women are Queens. (And some men are also Queens). Tell them to own their power. Tell them to get off their butts and create a Queendom, of peace, love and art."
I protested. "You are so beautiful. I am just an artist of lowly talent. I cannot do you justice."
"You may be right about that," Cleo said, "but, you are the best I can find, talent has kind of gone down the drain, these last few years. So you MUST paint it!" She is such an alpha female.
So here is the picture. It came out a bit better than I expected. Hope you like it.
Maybe, I am loosing my mind? I am seeing things, are these episodes hallucinations or visions?
(Do you know the difference between a psychotic and a psychic? Answer: The psychic knows who to talk to.)
It happened again, another visitation. This time I was on the back ten acres of our land, across Gold Creek, an area which is almost a wilderness, rarely visited by humans. I had a kukri with me. A kukri is a quality type of machete. I carried it, just in case I ran into a wild hog. I could use it for protection. Heehee. Like, I could stop a 300 pound muscle pack of charging hog. Anyway, I was kind of prepared, and the kukri helps cut through the tangles of vines.
I crossed over Gold creek, wearing my leopard print rubber boots. Made my way through thickets of brambles. Admired the landscape, which is making a wonderful recovery after being cut for timber eleven years ago, before we bought the property. I love seeing the land recover as nature does her beautiful work. There were many deer tracks. I startled a doe and a fawn, and watched them sprint away. They move with dance like grace.
When I got to the sandbar area, I sat down, to take a big refreshing drink of mother nature. Silver Creek is constantly changing. Sandbars appear and disappear. One year a magnolia tree had eroded to fall over the creek. In the spring it was dazzled with big creamy magnolia flowers. The next year, it had been washed away by seasonal floods.
I was sitting there, on the sand. Listening and watching the currents of water. And then...A woman appeared to be walking on the water. Coming toward me. I was not that surprised. I knew that it was just another visitation from the spirit world.
It was easy to recognize Cleopatra, because, she had assumed a Hollywood version of her image. Who knows what she really looked like, back in the day, because there has been so much spin put on her image. She has been idealized and glamorized by painters and sculptors and movie makers, since her ancient Egyptian rein. She never goes out of style.
Her manner was gracious, and, I knew that I would follow her regal request. She commanded that I paint a picture of her, illustrating her two most famous incarnations. Paint her as Cleopatra and Oprah, the Queen of television, all in the same body. "The people need to see this. I want them to know that I have been working for the betterment of humanity, through all my incarnations, for as long as humans have been on earth. It will give them hope. And Isis knows, they need hope, in times like these."
"And, please, dear Janet," she continued, "tell them that all women are Queens. (And some men are also Queens). Tell them to own their power. Tell them to get off their butts and create a Queendom, of peace, love and art."
I protested. "You are so beautiful. I am just an artist of lowly talent. I cannot do you justice."
"You may be right about that," Cleo said, "but, you are the best I can find, talent has kind of gone down the drain, these last few years. So you MUST paint it!" She is such an alpha female.
So here is the picture. It came out a bit better than I expected. Hope you like it.