Monday, December 3, 2012

Altar Alter

 Alter Altar 


Alter Altar with Bleeding Jesus



  Balloon Girl

Detail.  One of my cherubs

Bleeding Jesus and Buddha


Lucky Dog Cherub


Monkey, Hanging Out



veerar said...

You seem to be confused.please google for:-
1.Shri Krishna
3.Gauthama Buddha

Janet Boyd Art said...

Yes, Veerar, I am confused. Thanks for asking. The world is such a tipsy turkey scary place, you never know what fan hitting shit will happen next. I am searching for answers. I try on one religion after another, but they quickly become frayed and bedraggled. It has been cold and raining for the past two weeks, this is depressing and I have mold on my brain. I despair of understanding life. Oh, wait, the sun is finally shining brightly. Hallelujah, maybe there is a God!