Monday, November 2, 2020
Monday, October 26, 2020
Floating Couple with Baby
Floating Couple with Baby
Floating Couple with Baby
close up
Shuffle into the Sunset
Irma Thomas, Soul Queen of New Orleans
Friday, October 16, 2020
Guide to Preparing for Your Second Childhood
Gidget, Gadget and Gizmo
Guide to Preparing for Your Second Childhood
The Upside of Dementia List:
Ambrosia of Aardvark Recipe
6. If you, like me, want to build your own private bubble of denial, then this path of ironic idiocy will help.
7. How to simulate paranoia. First pick a devil, as in "The devil made me do it". Even better is "The devil made YOU do it." Popular devils are: the government, the president, the CIA, FBI, NSA (or compose your own original alphabet soup), the one percent elite, or the aliens. Blame your choice devil for everything that does not go your way. Have noisy arguments with the devil while everyone else is trying to watch TV.
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Three Point Yoga
Three Legged Dog
In Sankrit this yoga posture is named, " Tri Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana".
I think that this style of figure shows "tribal" influence.
I took yoga classes for about twenty, twenty five, years, from the 70's into the 90's. I seldom do yoga sessions now. But, at times, I am aware of my body, like when I am waiting for the coffee to brew, and do Mountain Pose, just standing straight and balanced with deep breathing. I used to do Mountain Pose while waiting in lines.
I can still touch my toes. I was never able to do a head stand without propping my feet against the wall. The yoga practice that i did is still benefiting me. I think that it taught me more self awareness, and more awareness in general. The practice taught me what little poise that I possess.
These days my exercise is gardening. This is a nice work out for my age. Bending, stooping, hoeing, shoveling. Sometimes i think that i should do more yoga, then i think, that i should not should on myself.