My dog, Harpo, looks like the Egyptian jackal God, Anubis. Harpo is a loyal companion, and a wonderful watch dog protector. She is very beautiful, athletic, with a shiny black coat. In some ways she is a very lucky dog. She is an inside and outside dog, coming and going, in and out, almost as she pleases. She chases deer. I think that it must be a thrill for her to make such a large animal jolt away. She loves to swim in the creek to cool off. She wishes that I would walk the woodland trails with her more often. The worst part of her life is that I sometimes go on trips for a few days, leaving her with an automatic feeder and water. She hates it when I leave. When I come back she is needs reassurance and attention for a while. She gets jealous when we have visitors and needs attention and treats. SHe never has to wear silly clothes, just a collar.
I would post a picture of her, but have lost my camera charger. I think that I have a good pix of her in my files, will look for it.
This picture is digital, photo shop. 2550 px x 3300px. Completed today. The Anubis image was a low rez, harvested from Bing and completely repainted digitally.
The background is a vintage picture of Florida magnolia trees. The photographer is A.T. Styles Burlington. I didnt do much alteration of the photo, just made repetitions of it and changed the color. I have magnolia trees in the woods.
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