Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Alter Altar in Amber

Alter Altar in Amber



I just read an important notice from Google, something about Europeans and cookies and that I should confirm whether or not something or other is working.  I am putting this chore on my to do list and will complete it when I have time.  Since writing this blog is about the limit of my computer literacy, complying with this notice will take a lot of time. I may be able to find time between nap time and couch potato time. I think that I have some time in my closet.  I will put on head gear to protect me from a potential product (stuff) avalanche, before I open the closet door, to search for more time.  Please bare with me until I do get around to regulating what ever rigmarole ragtime riff raff that I should rig up.  I am pretty sure that I have cookies in my kitchen, so I will go and take care of them now.  I am giving notice that I may or may not have cookies on this blog.

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