Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Alter Altar, Alternative Altars







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Alter Altars, a series of four digital art works that take an amusing view of our human need for answers to our most basic questions, "Why are we here.  Where did we come from?  What should we do?  What happens when we die?".  

Excuse me please, I need to rant.  The Holy Land, the eastern Mediterranean area, is considered home to three of the world's largest religions.  All three of these religions, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, see the area as their holy homeland.  All three religions state that they are the descendants of Abraham.  AND: they have all been killing each other in The Holy Land for at least 3,000 years.  Hmmm???  This does not make sense.  Humans are irrational beings.  Myself included. 

Perhaps ETs are our Gods.  Perhaps they bred us??  Do they study us the way we study animals like the orangutan?  

Or maybe:  they watch us for entertainment.  Are we their reality TV?  Are they laughing at the stupid critters doing amusing antics?  Are they emotionally moved when we do actually get things right? 

Hell if I know.

I have experienced elevated alternative states of consciousness in church, as a child.  And, occasional exalted states in nature and while meditating. Attending meditating groups facilitated many elevated states.  My mind and mood vibrated with light.  Spirit moved me higher.  This had little to do with my belief system.  These heavenly episodes were created by vibrational elements in me and my environment.  Experiences beyond words and human intellect.  Maybe, religious writings are metaphors for realities that are beyond our human understanding.  Some things are beyond words.  

Here is an interesting article:

A family member suggested that I should not post this post.  He said that some Christians would be shocked and judgmental by my opinions.  I think that the word sacrilegious might be applied by some people.  He said that these images would harm my art reputation.  

I apologize to anyone who finds this disrespectful.

But, this is my art and I follow my muse.  I am grateful when she (I) come up with witty ideas.  

When it comes to a belief system my motto is:  "I am confused, is that a problem?"

I was raised as a Christian.  We went to church about three times a week, twice on Sunday and once for  Wednesday evening services. When the church had a revival we went to church every day for a week.  If I sinned (which happened frequently because many actions were sinful) I was painfully disciplined.  There was so much pain that I thought maybe God hated me.  Did my parents hate me?  They thought that they were doing the right things to make me good.  I am still trying to understand their motivations and find forgiveness in my heart.

I think that I was in my late 20's when I realized that religion and spirituality were two separate experiences.  Wow! That epiphany cracked my belief system wide open. Leading me on a path of discovery that I still follow.  (Even when I am confused.)  

I believe that I should try to be good a person.  Kind to others (most of the time), and usually honest.
I love nature.
I think that some religious writings are metaphors for actual vibrations, energies, and events that our brains are unable to identify and understand.  There are some truths in religious writings, and it can be inspiring to read them.  There are many people who benefit from religions.  People who are uplifted with guidance and hope and social events that elevate their mind, mood, and spirit. 

This experience of considering whether or not I should post this post motivated me to do some research on Christianity.  Wikipedia has some interesting articles.  

Biblical criticism             Biblical criticism - Wikipedia 

Women in the Bible    Women in the Bible - Wikipedia

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