Monday, August 17, 2020

Yoga Sunbeams, Deer

 digital, 2020

My muse leads me.  This year has been mostly women.  I did The Three Graces with two 48"x36", acrylic on canvas.  I dont know how many digital images I made.  At least twenty.  My intent was to do the same image in many different styles. So , I created the same figures in styles ranging from painterly realistic to cubistic to I dont know what to call it.  Also, I have done some painted driftwood pieces.

 There have been several images of women dancing. In the clouds, in the forest and so on.  

Next, I thought, "Yoga, eureka!".  This px shows a yoga headstand, in the forest, with a deer.  The inspiration picture of the deer came from a trail cam that we set up down by the creek.  I follow my muse along a path that is beautiful.

They have changed the format of blogger, and I dont know how to get the writing in the place where I want it.  Tech can be so annoying.   I would rather be painting or gardening.  


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