Showing posts with label Luminous Woman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Luminous Woman. Show all posts

Monday, August 17, 2020

Yoga Sunbeams, Deer

 digital, 2020

My muse leads me.  This year has been mostly women.  I did The Three Graces with two 48"x36", acrylic on canvas.  I dont know how many digital images I made.  At least twenty.  My intent was to do the same image in many different styles. So , I created the same figures in styles ranging from painterly realistic to cubistic to I dont know what to call it.  Also, I have done some painted driftwood pieces.

 There have been several images of women dancing. In the clouds, in the forest and so on.  

Next, I thought, "Yoga, eureka!".  This px shows a yoga headstand, in the forest, with a deer.  The inspiration picture of the deer came from a trail cam that we set up down by the creek.  I follow my muse along a path that is beautiful.

They have changed the format of blogger, and I dont know how to get the writing in the place where I want it.  Tech can be so annoying.   I would rather be painting or gardening.  


Saturday, December 14, 2019